News and events

Every summer students and staff of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute can enjoy the holidays at leisure and wellness bases of the university.

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Cost of education for foreign residents in Igor Sikorsky KPI at 2017/2018 academic year - DOWNLOAD

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute took the first position in National academic rating “TOP-200 Ukraine” 2017!

The main criteria for choosing the winner are: focus on innovation and demand of universities among public. Since under modern conditions, real innovative achievements of universities and their contribution in social advancement as well as midterm and long-term perspectives of their development have top priority. Thus, the team of national rating “Top 200 Ukraine” carried out regular assessment of activities of universities of Ukraine for the last year and calculated their integral rating including the criteria “Innovative activity of universities” introduced in 2016.

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On postgraduate study admission regulations in 2017: 

Terms for submitting documents in 2017 for Faculty of Biomedical Engineering: August, 31, 2017 from 10 a.m. to 12.00 and from 14.00 p.m to 17.00 p.m (room 247, building 1).

Email of postgraduate study department and doctorate: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel. 236-2149

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On 14 March, National technical university "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute" and Bohomolets national medical university signed an agreement about creation of Inter-university Scientific Training Center.

The purpose of its creation is to improve educational and scientific training work of students and postgraduates with an application of tool of STEM disciplines to solve fundamental scientific problems of biology and medicine as well as exploitation of medical and biological potential for new technical equipment designing and medical and biological innovative technologies development.

Bohomolets national medical university will act as scientific training clinical and medical and biological site while Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute will be scientific training, engineering and productive site.

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Become an expert in Biomedical Engineering + Regulatory Affairs, for a healthier and wealthier future

In our M.Sc. programme, you will master the invaluable fields Medical Engineering + Regulatory Affairs in Biomedical and Biopharmaceutical Engineering. You not only get to expand your technical, IT and management skills but also your knowledge of the EU and the US regulation of the medical products market.

In our B.Sc. programme, you will bachelor the invaluable fields Medical Engineering, including clinical engineering, biomedical electronics, biocompatible materials and information technologies.
