Новицкий Юрий Владимирович

Yuri Novitsky

Head of sports perfection

Associate Professor, The candidate of pedagogical sciences.

He graduated from Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture in 1978.
Specialty - physical culture and sports.
Sport skills - coach-teacher of physical education.

He held the following positions:
-Lecturer in physical education (1979 1989r.r).
-Senior lecturer in physical education (1989 1996r.r).
-Head of sports perfection "KPI" (1996 - present).
In "KPI" since 1979., The department of sports improvement since 1996.

Since 1979 - 1996r.r. conducted studies in physical education and sports in the main offices and managed national team KPI athletics.

Trained student-athletes team of NTU "KPI", which became multiple winner and champion of Kiev and Ukraine, USSR Master of Sport.


Гетман Володимир Олексійович

Vladimir Getman

Associate Professor, The candidate of pedagogical sciences.

He graduated from Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture in 1976.
By profession - teacher of physical culture and sports.
Candidate Master of Sports in diving.


He held the following positions:

  • Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor - Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation (1976-1993r.r).
  • Head of Department "Physical and physiological training pilots" - Kyiv International University of Civil Aviation (1994 1997r.r.).
  • Commercial Director of "Corner", the head of emergency "VAHET" zahalnofunktsionalnoho recovery Rights (1997 2000r.r.).
  • Director, Center for psycho-physical training, Director of the Office of Health and Fitness, Associate - education corporation "step", Kyiv Business Lyceum University of Economics and Law (2000-2005 years).
  • Assistant professor of sports perfection "KPI" (2005), associate dean of MMIF educational and organizational work in rehabilitation and sports (from 2007).

The range of additional interests: and Healthy way of life, professional and historical literature, music, construction work

Published over fifty scientific, methodological, methodical and educational works.

Participate in projects and innovative programs:

  • design of the Faculty "flight operation of aircraft" (1987-1988r.r.).
  • design creation and activities of the Department of "physical and physiological training pilots" (1988 1989r.r.).
  • design and creation of the Center psychophysical study (2000 2002r.r.).
  • design and creation of the Center Management Health and Fitness (2002 2005r.r.).
  • рdevelopment and maintenance of the "Small Olympics" (2001 2005r.r.).
  • development and maintenance of the project "Monitoring the health and readiness for learning" (2004 2005r.r.).


Гринь Андрій Романович

Grin Andrew R.

Assistant Professor.Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences;

Date of Birth: December 27, 1954

Освіта:1976 - Kiev State Institute of Physical Education;
Specialty - Physical Education and Sports;
Qualification - Teacher of Physical Education and Sports;

Career:1976 - 1981 R. - trainer - teacher Kiev Regional Council VDST " Labor Reserves ".
1981 - 1984 - training in full-time graduate of Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture.
1981 - 1985 R. - professor of the Kiev State Institute of Physical Education per hour .
1985 - 1988 - senior lecturer, 1988 - 1994 - Associate Professor , Department of Physical Education , Kiev State Pedagogical Institute. Gorky ( KNU . in the name of Dragomanov), deputy head of the department of scientific - technical work.
1994- 2011. - Head of Department of Physical Education Academy of Labour and Social Affairs FPU.
2011 to present - Associate Professor of sporting perfection NTU "KPI".
2009 - 2013r.r . - Head of the State Examination Commission of the National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine .

Scientific work : I have 49 papers.

Public and sporting activities: Since 1998 , initiated and took part in the revival of the best traditions of student football in Kiev and Ukraine . In 1999 he participated in the creation of the Football Association of Students of Kiev ( facet ), and in 2000 - Football Association of Ukrainian students ( VFAS ).
Served as president of the Football Association of students of Kiev (2007 - 2013r.r . ), And since 2013 - worked as the first vice president, executive director of the trim.
He headed the team of Kiev Cup, which in 2001 , 2003, 2005 and 2013 won first place in the competition Ukrainian University .
By more than 60 student-athletes - Champions and winners of nationwide competitions.

Honors :For fruitful scientific , pedagogical and social activities has been rewarded with a medal of "Excellence in Education of Ukraine " (2003 ), Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kiev Mayor Gratitude (2004, 2005) , thanks to the Kiev City State Administration and FFU Kiev ( 2001, 2004) , Diploma of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (2011 ), Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Committee for Physical Education and Sport ( 2013r. ) awards FFU in Kiev - the medal " '95 Kiev Cup "( 2006) " 100th anniversary of Kiev Cup " (2011 ), " Merit of the first degree " ( 2011) , honorary award "Badge of Honor " ( 2013r. ) and the Order "For Merit" ( 2013r. ).

Personality: The nature of functional, strong-willed, principled and demanding, I can reach compromised solutions in any situation .


Карпюк Ірина Юріївна

Karpyuk Irina Yurievna

Associate Professor ,Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
, Deputy Dean FBMI of teaching work .

Graduated from the Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture. She worked as a junior researcher at the Research Institute of Orthopedics . Graduated from the Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture, doctoral National Pedagogical University. of MP Drahomanov.

At NTU "KPI" is from 1988.The author of over 100 research and scientific and methodical works , health and rehabilitation techniques and programs.

The scope of scientific - practical interests - the study of health physical fitness of students with disabilities in health , organization of physical rehabilitation , learning management physical training.


Пасічна Тетяна Володимирівна

Pasichna Tetiana

Associate Professor, Honored coach of Ukraine
President of Federation of Ukraine Sports Aerobics and Fitness

Since November 18, 1975 till this time, Pasichna T.V. is a teacher of physical education at Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. During 10 years she was a Head of professional union of physical education department; 1978-1988 – deputy of dean KhTF of physical education; since 1998 til 2004 – deputy of dean of extern educational form at Physical education and Sport Faculty. On behalf of professional union of Institute, she is honored by Order “100 years of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Working at Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Pasichna Tetiana was doing many scientific researches and has 33 printed works. Docent Pasichna Tetiana regularly takes active part at scientific-methodical conference, methodical seminars, courses and seminars of raising qualification.

Pasichna Tetiana personally takes part at the development of aerobic and fitness in Ukraine and since 1993 she is the President of Ukrainian Federation of Sport aerobic and Fitness. High professional skills and modern ways in the work help in the development of sport aerobic and fitness in Ukraine. Every year the geography of members of this Federation becomes bigger. Till this time, there are 18 regions and more than 2000 sportsmen in this Federation. High level of preparation and organization of Ukrainian competitions of sport aerobic gave the possibility to bring Ukraine into the international level. Since 1989 under the acting of Pasichna Tetiana, the best sportsmen of Ukraine take part at AER international competitions. Since 1999 Pasichna T. is the AER Head coach of Ukraine. The National team of Ukraine is among the best European and world national teams. During this period, she prepared 12 Sport masters of international class, 27 AER Sport masters, between them 10 are European champions, three bronze medalists of World championships, and five are medalists of European championships. For her professional achievements, three times she was honored by thankful letters of Kyiv city Head. For her fruitful work in the preparation of sportsmen of high level, in 1999 she received the title “Honored coach of Ukraine”, “Honored worker of Physical education and sport of Ukraine”. She received Certificate of International AER Federation for her contribution in the development of aerobic in the world.

Since 1994 till this time, Pasichna Tetiana is the international judge of sport aerobic according to the different versions of AER development in the world. Reach experience in competition organization gave the possibility to organize AER European Championships in Kyiv in 1998 and 2006. The example of the continuous work in the development of sport aerobic and fitness is the preparation and organization of World Championship of Strenflex (modern fitness program) and her personal participation in it. Tetiana Volodymyrivna is twice world champion in Strenflex in 2003 and 2006.

During 23 years, because of high professional skills and her personal contribute in the position of Ukraine in European and international levels, Pasichna Tetiana influences directly to the development of Ukrainian Federation of Sport aerobic and Fitness. Her 19 years experience and term of work in international judgment, preparation and education of sportsmen – European champions and medalists of world championships, implementing the new aerobic specialization in High educational institutions and sport schools, opening the new aerobic departments in Institutions and also the Presidency in sport club and AER Federation approves the high modern level of professionalism of Pasichna Tetiana.


Скибицький Ігор Глібович

Skibitsky Igor Glebovich

Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

He graduated from Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture in 1974. He graduated in 1986, Trade and Economic Institute.

Specialty - 1. physical culture and sports. 2. Commodity researcher of foods of higher ranking.
Sports Qualification - master of sports of fencing.

Is the winner of the championship, Games of Kiev and Ukraine, USSR championship in fencing.

He held the following positions:
-lecturer at the Department of fencing, modern pentathlon and equestrian sports in the Institute of Physical Education (1977).

-senior lecturer Center Olympic Training (1979)
-senior lecturer in physical education "KPI" (1982).
-CSKA head coach. (1987.)
-assistant professor of Physical Education Institute of Food Technology (1989).
-Director of the Firm "Stroymak-Synthesis" (1992)
-Head of Department of Physical Education Academy of Municipal Management (1997).
-Associate Professor at the Department of sporting perfection in "KPI" (from 2004.).

Graduated Instructor of Chinese Wushu exercises. He has more than twenty scientific and pedagogical work and one invention, four scientific papers and one technical work.


Агеєв Павло Миколайович

Ageev Pavel

Senior lecturer in sports improvement FВMI

Date of birth: 11/17/1953, married with four children. He graduated from the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" in 1977 and Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture in 1988.

Specialty coaches to fight.
Sport - judo.

Since 1981 he has been working in the "KPI", 1996, the department of sports perfection FBMI.

Terms of extra interest - martial arts, English language, football.

Champion of Kyiv sambo and judo, Champion of Ukraine in sambo and judo students. Winner of All-Union competitions Sambo and Judo in Novosibirsk.


Брайко Наталія Гнатівна

Brajko Natalia Gnativna.

Senior lecturer in sports improvement FВMI(special medical department).

1977-graduated Kiev Pedagogical College. 1988- graduated from Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture, specialty "Physical culture and sport", qualification: teacher-organizer of cultural and recreational activities and tourism, where he worked until 2001.

At NTU "KPI" since 2001. From April 2005 to October 2007, she served as associate dean of educational work at the faculty of "Physical Education and Sport."

Constituted subjects: "Management of physical education and sport", "Theory and Methods of improving swimming", "physical education in higher education", "Student Teaching", "physical education" (special medical department) and others.

Teaching experience is 15 years. Judge of the second category of swimming.

Participated in international scientific congresses , seminars, conferences , master classes such as: "Actual problems of Sport for All ( 2009.2012 years )," Modern Problems of Physical Education and Sport pupils and students of Ukraine " (2012 )," Problems promoting healthy lifestyles youth " (2011 ) and others.

He has 23 published works , " Evaluation valeological knowledge and skills of university students with technical profile ", " Evaluation of the factors determining the efficiency of the process of physical education students are not athletic universities Kyiv " and others.

She took a refresher course and training at the Institute of Physical Education at the National Pedagogical University . Dragomanov (2006 ), the Kyiv Economic University . V.Hetmana (2012) , the English School «Speak up» ( 2013) , in educational and methodical complex "Institute for Postgraduate Education after NTU" KPI " ( 2011.2012 ), the Ukrainian Institute of Information Technology " (2008 ).

Educational and social work has been featured thanks, diplomas and valuable gifts, prizes (for orders NTU KPI " in the years 2005,2007,2008 ) administration Solomyansky district of Kyiv ( 2006.2007 ), the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine ( 2006).


Денбновецький Леонід Володимирович

Denbnovetsky Leonid V.

Senior Lecturer

He graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in 1969, the Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture in 1976.

Specialty - physical culture and sports.
Sports Qualification - coaches of Physical Education, Honored Coach of Ukraine, Candidate Master of Sports Rugby.

He held the following positions:
Senior engineer at the Institute of Cybernetics ANUSRS (1967 1972r.r).
Instructor at Kyiv Regional Council DSO "Windsor".

In Kiev Polytechnic Institute working since 1974., The department of sports improvement works since 1996.

Champion of Ukraine 1965., 1967 1968r.r.
Head coach "Polytechnic" 1988., 1991-1994r.r.
Multiple medalist of Ukraine.
Champion teams of Ukraine and the second league in 2007.
Head coach of the national team of Ukraine Cadets (born 1992)

He trained 78 masters of sports of the USSR and Ukraine.


Журавльов Сергій Олексійович

Sergey Zhuravlev

Senior Lecturer

He graduated from Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture.

Specialty - coaches
Sports Qualification - Candidate Master of Sports in football.

In "KPI" since 1985, to improve the sports department since 1996. SSC President "Polytechnic" football and hockey. Coach 'KPI' ice hockey. USSR Championship 1964. "Hope Cup" football. Champion of Ukraine on hockey. II-medalist and European teachers 1995. and III-medalist and 1999 indoor soccer.

During his time at the department of sports perfection "KPI" trained world champion, European champion, World Student Games, five people - WCMS and seventeen masters of sports, eight candidates for the master of sports.

The "Polytechnic" successfully performed in the Championship in Ukraine and abroad: III and European medalist,
II and medalist of Ukraine
Thrice III Championship of Ukraine in the Premier League,
Three times the winner of the international tournament "Treydpoint."
Judge national category, delegate AMFU Federation Ukraine Football Federation vice-president hockey Kiev.
Honored Worker "KPI", member of the Presidium of the trade union "KPI", the chairman of the trade union sports complex "KPI".

The range of additional interests - books, football.


Кривенда Вячеслав Сергійович

Kryvenda Vyacheslav S.

Senior Lecturer

He graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in 1984 and Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture in 1989.

Specialty - coaches football
Sports Qualification - Candidate for Master of Sport Football

He held the following positions:
Teacher in "KPI" (1989 1996r.r.). Senior lecturer since 1996.

In "KPI" since 1987. The department of sports improvement works since 1996.

By command of "KPI" - a two-time champion of Ukraine among the students, the winner of the championship of Ukraine in the second league, and with the foot-up and Cup winners and League II in 2005. No one-off champion and winner of the championship Kiev foot hall students.
IV-th place in the championship of Ukraine among the higher education institutions of foot-Hall, 2006.

2007. - A team of "KPI" won first place on foot hall students. He was the coach of the national team of Kyiv, which took place VI to VII th Universiade Ukraine among students.


Латишев Євген Миколайович ст. викл

Latyshev Eugenie

Senior Lecturer

Graduated from Kyiv College of electronic devices in 1968, Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports in 1975.

Specialty - physical culture and sports.
Sports qualification - teacher-coach in rowing and canoeing and rowing.

He held the following positions:
"KPI" at the Department of Physical Education (1975-1983r.r). Senior coaches rowing cycle b / c in intercollegiate Olympic training center high-class athletes (1983 1987r.r.).
Senior teacher trainer in "KPI" in 1987., The department of sports perfection in "KPI", 1996.

The range of additional interests - hiking, chiropractic and massage.

Professional achievements:

  • MS-USSR rowing b / c (1968).
  • IMR-Soviet Ski racing (1969) level of swimming, gymnastics, and heavy athletics skates.
  • -25 Certificates for rowing simulators, third place on VLNH USSR.
  • Evidence-inventor of the USSR.
  • Member of Presidium of the Federation of Judges of Ukraine rowing b / c, the president of the judges of rowing b / c Kiev.

Trained athletes, students "KPI": Gaidai Valentin and Avramenko Art - European champion, multiple winners and champions Ukraine rowing b / c, Klymnyuk Sergei, a member of the Olympic Games in Australia m.Sidney (8th place), two-time champion World canoeing.


Лускань Олег Юрійович

Luskan Oleg

Senior Lecturer

Date of Birth: 14.03.1966. He graduated from Kyiv National institut of Physical Education and Sport in 1989.

Works in the CPI since 1989. Senior lecturer in sports improvement FBMI.

International Judge hockey. Member profbyuro NTU "KPI".


Мохунько Олександр Дмтрович

Mohunko Alexander D.

Senior Lecturer

Graduated Perejaslav-Khmelnitsky Pedagogical Institute. GS Pans in 1998

Specialty - Physical Education.Sports Qualification - Candidate for Master of Sport Football

He held the following positions:
-FC "System-Boreks" instructor
-FC "chemist" instructor
-FC "Polihraftehnika" instructor
-FC "System-Boreks" instructor

With 09.1998r. working in the "KPI" as a teacher of Physical Education and Sport. From 09. 2000 working at the Department of sporting perfection.

The range of additional interests: psychology, rehabilitation, wellness system.

Тренер збірної НТУУ „КПІ” з серпня 2000 р.

Coach "KPI" from August 2000
The achievements of the team "KPI":
2003 Champion of Ukraine among the higher education institutions.
2003 2nd place in the East European Students League.
2004 Champion of Kyiv among higher education institutions.
2001/2002, the 3-th place in the Championship of Kyiv among higher education institutions.
2000 -2003 he served in the championship of Kyiv adults (Premier League) 8th place.


Прус Надія михайлівна ст

Prus Nadiya M.

Senior Lecturer

is Date of birth: 30.07.1960

Made off the Kievan state institute of physical culture in 1982r., speciality is a specialist from an area physical education and sport.
Sporting rank: candidate in masters of sport on track-and-field from at run on 800 m.


Held positions:
-trainer-teacher from track-and-field at school of higher sporting trade (1982-1989r.r.).
-teacher of department of physical education of NAU (1989-1990r.r.).
-Teacher of physical education at middle school ¹79 western group of troops in Germany (1990-1993r.r.).
-teacher on the faculty of physical education and sport of NTUU “KPI” from 1994 years.
-senior teacher on the faculty of physical education and sport of NTUU “KPI” from 2002 years
-On the department of sporting perfection NTUU “KPI” works from 1998

Advanced study : 12 the published advanced studies Circle

During all years of work in NTUU “KPI” trains a collapsible command from easy atletki. A collapsible command NTUU “KPI” is included in three of the best commands of m. Kyiv among higher educational establishments, was the repeated prizewinner on Championship of m. Kyiv among higher educational establishments from at relay run..

Of additional interests is medical physical education and massotherapy.
During all years of work in NTUU “KPI” trains a collapsible command from easy atletki. A collapsible command NTUU “KPI” is included in three of the best commands of m.

Kyiv among higher educational establishments, was the repeated prizewinner on Championship of m. Kyiv among higher educational establishments from at relay run.


Саєнко Сергій Володимирович

Saienko Sergey

Senior Lecturer.Teacher

He graduated from Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture in 1988

Sports Qualification - coaches of physical training to fight, Master of Sports of the USSR in Greco-Roman wrestling.

He held the following positions: -lecturer in physical education Kiev Institute of Civil Engineering (1989-1999r.r.).

In "KPI" and to improve the sports department since 2000. In 2007 a judge of the national category Belt Wrestling.

Terms of extra interest - nomezmatyya , psychology , sociology.

Prepared for the period of work "KPI " two masters of sport - Lytvynchuk Valentine, Andrew Shpak , one candidate master of sports - Borovets Sergei, who took prizes in international competitions in Greco- Roman wrestling.

Student Proskura Sergey is a member of the national team of Ukraine , repeated winner of the international tournament in Greco- Roman wrestling.
Shpak , A. Lytvynchuk V., V. Muzhetskyy , Borovets , S., A. Poltavtsev are numerous winners of city and international competition in Greco -Roman wrestling.


Тимко  Іван Іванович

Timko Ivan I.

Senior Lecturer. Honored coach of Ukraine.

Date of birth: June 15, 1956, He is married and has 2 children.

In 1977 graduated from Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture. Specialty - physical culture and sports.

USSR Master of Sports in rowing.
Honored coach of Ukraine.
Trainer of higher category. Head coach of Kyiv rowing.

Since 1978 he has been working in NTU "KPI" from 01.09.1996, the department of sports development.

During the year work was prepared:
-37 Masters of sport;
-4 Master of sports of international class,
-1 заслужений майстер спорту.

National rowing team of KPI took prizes at the Universiades (student games in universities) of USSR. Over the past 5 years, university students were finalists and won prizes at the World Cup, Europe and Ukraine in rowing. Among them: John Dovhodko (FBT) Dovhodko Natalia (FBT) Litvinyuk Andrew (FYEL) Kornev Anna (FBT) and others. In 2013 the winners of the World Contest (Kazan, Russia).

The range of additional interests: hunting and fishing.
Over the past 15 years, published 31 scholarly work and teaching work.


Томашевський Дмитро Володимирович

Dmitry Tomaszewski

Senior Lecturer

He graduated from Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture in 1992.

Specialty - physical culture and sports.
Sports qualification - teacher of physical education
Sport - volleyball, beach volleyball

Since 1995 - lecturer in sport and improving women's team coach NTU / KPI / volleyball.

1997-1998 - the coach a professional team MNTU / Kiev /; bronze medalist, coach, championship Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine 1997 Beach Volleyball. (Pair Julia Tolstoy, Natalia Merenkov).

2002 - women's team NTU / KPI / won first place in the student's first league volleyball Ukraine.2002 - third place in the championship among the clubs of Kiev. 2003 - the fourth highest student volleyball league Ukraine. 2003 - second place in the championship among the clubs of Kiev. 2004 - the fifth highest student volleyball league Ukraine. 2004 - second place in the championship among the clubs of Kiev. 2005 - the seventh highest student volleyball league Ukraine. 2005 - first place in the Cup of Kiev among the clubs. 2005 - the first place in the city Universiade (games for the students of universities). 2006 - silver medalist Higher Student League Ukraine volleyball. 2007 - The fourth highest in student volleyball league Ukraine.

Since 1999 beach volleyball has been actively polularized. KPI teams take part in all events of the city. Teams CPI have taken many victories at the city level.

2005 NTU team / KPI / beach volleyball silver medalist 7 - Summer Universiade Ukraine / Larionov Julia; Lukashova Tatiana, incidentally Larionov Julia recognized as the best player othe Universiade Ukraine. Our second pair - Tetenova Victoria and Apostle Svetlana took fourth place. In Student participated fourteen teams.

2006. team "KPI" beach volleyball as part Tetenova Victoria Hops Jeanne took second place in the All-Ukrainian Youth Games Ukraine - Ukraine became masters of the sport of beach volleyball, silver medalist of the International Beach Volleyball Tournament "Cup AzovStal" Mariupol.



Uskova Svetlana M.

Senior Lecturer, senior teacher of department of sporting perfection separation «Easy athletics-fitness», trainer of collapsible command NTUU «KPI» from a sporting orientation Master of sport of the USSR, silver prizewinner of university Game of the USSR, prizewinner of championship of the USSR, among VDFSO of trade Unions, from 2007-3013 years prizewinner of Championships of Ukraine among the veterans of orientation.

Graduated from Kharkov State Pedagogical University in 1992. Acquired specialty - a specialist physical education teacher of physical culture.

From 1996 year works in NTUU “KPI” on the department of sporting perfection. From 1996r. for 2010r. carried out the duties of secretary of department of sporting perfection. In a trade-union committee MMIF was responsible for child's sector.

12 navchal'no-metodichnikh recommendations are given out and the scientific articles. In 2011roci executed the terms of candidate's examinations on a foreign language and philosophy.

The members of collapsible command NTUU “KPI” actively take part in city allukrainian, international competitions. From 1996 year a collapsible command NTUU “KPI” from a sporting orientation occupied 1-3 places in university Games and championship of m. Kyiv among the students of institutes of higher.

The members of collapsible command NTUU “KPI” enter in the complement of national, youth and junior collapsible commands of Ukraine, and take part in championships of Europe and World from a sporting orientation.

From 1996-2013 years students-orientuval'niki became prizewinners and winners of pershostey and championships of Ukraine, university Games of Ukraine, championships of Ukraine, among students - Fesenko And., Radionov And.(FTI), Khomenko And.(IPSA), Poplavskaya L.(IPSA), Schukin K.(IPSA), Pustovoyt And.(FMF), Stammerer of S.(FEA), Docenko of O.(MMIF), Voroneckiy E.(MMIF), Mamchur And.(FEL), Loznya D. but Fedorov E.(ITS), Uskov And. but Drizhak And.(VPI), Fedorova of O.(FMM), Chernat And.(MMI), Frost In.(PBF), Afanas'ev of M.(FEA), Zaporozhec S. but Krimceva And.(KHTF),Anikeycev of P. and Irzhavskiy And.(IEE).

In 2010 year the student of Docenko Olena extracted in a fight a ²² place on Championship of Europe, being graduate student MMIF in 2013 years in Spain a medal got a bronze reward in Chempionata Evropi from rogeynu.

Устименко Григорій Олександрович

Ustymenko Grigory

Senior Lecturer

He graduated from Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture in 1978.

Specialty - physical culture and sports.
Sports Qualification - coaches basketball.

In front of the Polytechnic Institute in 1978.
The department of sports perfection in "KPI" since 1996.

In 1974. getting bronze medals of the USSR basketball in the "builder" of Kiev and multiple champion of Ukraine. In 2000 - a silver medal at the European Championships seniors (Riga)

During the period of work in NTU "KPI" prepared by:
-Student team "Polytechnic", a regular participant of Champions of Ukraine (1990).
-Student competition winners-Paris-France (1997)
-Student team that became the silver medalist of the tournament for the Cup of Kyiv SPA.


Шевцов Валерій Іванович

Valery Ivanovich Shevtsov.

Senior Lecturer .

He graduated from Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture in 1969.

Specialty - physical culture and sports.
Sports qualification - teacher of physical culture and sports , Candidate Master of Sports .
Sport - football.

He held the following positions:
Deputy head of the department of sports activities , a senior lecturer ( 1980 1995r.r . ).
Vice - dean of sports activities ( 1995 1998r.r.),
-senior teacher trainer in "KPI " in 1987., the department of sports perfection in "KPI" since 1996.

President of IFC's "Polytechnic" 1998.Judge Inspector Cup ( Premier League ) , executive secretary of the Association of Ukraine EURO 2002 2005r.r . Chairman of the audit committee AMP Kiev ( 2006 2008r.r ).

Trained athletes, students "KPI" , including the World Cup Champion Vitali Nesteruk (2004 ): -IFC "Polytechnic" two shot champion of Ukraine among the higher education institutions 2000/2001 years
- II place in Kyiv Cup championship 2004/2005r.r . ,
- " Sberbank - KPI", Ukraine champion and Cup winner 2003 2005r.r . , Teams of the Second League ( central zone).
-part in the VII - th Summer Universiade Ukraine , VI- th place.
-IV- th place in the Championship of Ukraine among universities Cup 2006.
-I place in the Championship of Kyiv among universities 2006/2007r.r .

Is Judge national category since 1985.
In 2007 . Diploma awarded "Honorary Worker of NTU " KPI "..


Білоконь Віктор Петрович

Bilokon Viktor

Lecturer, Department of sports perfection KPI.

Head coach of the women's student team in Kiev.
Medalist of Ukraine on football among women's teams in 2013.
Winner Ukraine Universiade 2000.
Double deduced second league team in the first league.
League Cup winner in 2010.

1992/1995 - An employee of the department of physical education KPI .
1995/2001 - Lecturer , Department of Physical Education KPI , student team head coach KPI , student team head coach Kiev.
2001/2004- " Nafkom - Academy" (Irpin ) , 2002 - 2nd place , 2003 - 1st place (2 LIGA )
2001/2004- " Nafkom - Academy" (Irpin ) , 2002 - 2nd place , 2003 - 1st place (2 LIGA )
2004/2005- "Tavria" ( Simferopol) , 2005 - 7th place ( Visha LIGA )
2006 - "Reigning " ( Lucky ) ,2006 - 5th place (2 LIGA )
2007/2009- "Nafkom " ( Brovary), 2009 - 2nd place ( 2 LIGA )
2009/2012- "Niva" (Vinnitsa ) , 2012 - 5th place (1 LIGA ) 4 have published scientific work.

Since 2011: Lecturer, Department of sports perfection FBMI NTU "KPI". University team - medalist of Ukraine on football among women in 2013.
4 have published scientific work.


Градусова Наталія Вікторівна

Natalia V. Gradusova


Graduated from the State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports in 1996.

Specialty - coaches Rhythmic Gymnastics

Sport Qualification - Master of Sports Sports Aerobics

Held positions:
-instructor of aerobics in the fitness centers (Favorite, Kodokan) from 1995-2003
-2000, working in the "KPI" present.

Prepared 5 masters of sport of fitness aerobics


Дементьєв Анатолій Сергійович

Dement'yev Anatoly

teacher , Заслужений тренер України

graduated from Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture in 1971. Specialty - teacher trainer.

He held the following positions:
-Coach in youth sports school (1971 1980r.r.)
- Director of children and youth sports school (1980)

In "KPI" since 1997, the department of sports improvement since 2003. Prepared WCMS four and twenty-one master of sports swimming champions USSR and Ukraine.


Дьякова Оксана Віргініївна

D'yakova Oksana Verhiniyivna


Graduated from Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture in 1989.

Specialty - physical culture and sports.
Sports qualification - teacher-organizer of mass sports and recreation activities and tourism.
Species sports archery, master of sports.

She held the following positions:
-Coach of Archery in the Kiev city council "Dynamo" and Sports instructor teams "Dynamo" (1984 1989r.r.).
-Deputy Director-Ass "Fitness and Health" at the Railway executive committee.
-physical education instructor at the company (1989 1990r.r.)
-trainer swimming sport.tsentru "Friendship" Simferopol (1990 1993r.r.).
-instructor in physical therapy pool city hospital № 2 Simferopol.
-trainer with Archery Winter Sports School Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Kiev. (1997 2001r.r.)

-instructor and cat. Sports Complex "KPI" (2001 2002r.r.)
In "KPI" and for improving athletic department works as a teacher in 2002.

Operating athlete - shooting with the bow block, winner of the championship of Ukraine Olympic bow. founder and coach sports and technical Club "League" in Kyiv. founder of the Federation of Archery in Kyiv, head trainer of the Federation Council.

Prepared champion of Ukraine in 2005, 4 masters of sports, and MMR and discharge - 12 athletes.


Запольський Дмитро Петрович

Zapolzkiy Dmitry Petrovich


Graduated national university of physical culture and sport of ukrainyin 1999. Specialty - Olympic and professional sports.

Sporting qualification - Candidate Master of Sports in boxing.

He held the following positions:
-Trainer in boxing and kickboxing from / to trade unions and from / to "Dynamo" in Symferopol (1993 1995r.r.).
-kickboxing trainer in c / k "Politehboksinh" (1995 1999r.r). .

Improvement the sport at the department of NTU "KPI" since 1999.

In 2002 he founded the International Youth NGO "International Association of Boxing and Kickboxing" new constellation ", under which regularly hosts student competitions in boxing and kickboxing and other activities focused on the development of these sports.

During his time coach trained champion and medalist in Ukraine, Europe and the World Kickboxing and boxing, organized and conducted "Kyiv City Championship boxing and kickboxing", "Ukraine Championship boxing and kickboxing among student teams" other events.
organizes training seminars for professional boxing and kickboxing in 4 four areas: (sports rehabilitation, improving judicial training, improving coaching skills, improving organization - media work in boxing and kickboxing).



Irina Y. Zakharova .


Born January 13, 1963 in Irkutsk , Russia. He has two sons. In 1980 she graduated from general educational boarding school sports profile in Kiev. Candidate Master of Sports in handball.

In 1984 graduated from Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport in the specialty " physical education teacher , coach ", " instructor of medical physical culture."

Has been working at NTU "KPI" since 1984 as a teacher of physical culture.

Since 2002 , teacher of physical education at the department of sports perfection (Department of special medical groups).
Author of 6 scientific papers.


Ігнатенко Наталія Валеріївна

Natalia V. Ignatenko.


Date of birth 15.01.1983 year.
2005 - graduated with honors from NTU "KPI" and received specialty "physical education specialist in physical rehabilitation."
2006 - graduated from the MA course at the National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine, specialty: "Master of physical rehabilitation."

2006-2007 years - worked in the main clinical hospital of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine gymnastics instructor .
Since 2007 till now works in NTU " KPI " as a teacher in a special medical department of the department of sports perfection FBMI .

During this time also the author of 10 articles in the specialty ; finished training courses at NTU "KPI ", working group leader swimming in high school NTU "KPI".

Since 2012 she has been studying at the graduate of the National Pedagogical University of Dragomanov, specialty - " Theory and methods of teaching ( physical education, health foundations )."

Sports Qualification - Candidate Master of Sports from Ukraine in snorkeling.


Казаріна Ольга Андріївна

Kazarina Olga A.


Graduated from the National Technical Institute of Ukraine "KPI" in 2006.

Profession - Teacher of Physical Education
Sports Qualification - Candidate Master of Sports in volleyball. .

In 2006, the silver medalist is higher student volleyball league Ukraine.

Improvement at the department of sport in "KPI" works as a teacher since 2006. In 2006, the men's national teams of volleyball took fourth place in the championship among the clubs of Kyiv.


Качалов Олександр Юрійович

Katchalov Alexander Y.


Date of birth 16.12.1958 р
Higher education: Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture (1981-1986) In the specialty coaches in physical education and sport.

Sports titles: Master of Sports of the USSR water polo. Team's major league masters water polo "Dynamo Kyiv" (1978 - 1988). USSR Cup winner in 1980. As part of the team of the USSR - the fourth place at the Games of the peoples of the USSR in 1983.

Title: Lecturer, Department of NTU "KPI" in 2010. Since 2012 - the coach of the national team of NTU " KPI" water polo .

From 2002 to 2007 had been working as head coach of the water polo team "Dynamo" Kiev ( Ukraine Cup - 1st place in 2005 and 3rd place in the Championship of Ukraine among league teams . ).Complete higher education : Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture (1981- 1986r.r .) In the specialty coaches in physical education and sport.

While at the club served as head coach junior national team of Ukraine Water Polo (preparation and participation in the European Championships for juniors in 2005).

During the period of the coach of "Dynamo" Kiev brought up 6 masters of sports of Ukraine.


Кондратович Андрій Борисович

Kondratovych Andrei Borisovich


Graduated from Kyiv State Institute of Physical Education and Sport in 1988.

Specialty - Instructor of sports.
Qualifications - Candidate Master of Sports Soccer

B NTU "KPI" for improving athletic department since 2006.

Prepared 2 Master of Sports.


Крилов Анатолій Геннадійович

Anatoly G. Krylov


Graduated from Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture in 1972.

Specialty - physical culture and sports.
Qualification - Candidate for Master of Sport of Weightlifting

He held the following positions:
-trainer Weightlifting (1977)
- teacher (1982-1986r.r.)
- teacher (1985-1989r.r.) -instructor (2001-2004)
Prepared 5 masters of sports of weightlifting.

At NTU "KPI" at the department of sports improvement works since 2006.


Кузенков Олег Вікторович

Kuzenkov Oleg V.


In 1983 Graduated KHYFK, teacher of physical culture and sports in NTU "KPI" from the 1998 year, the Department of Sports FBMI improvement since 2011.

Master of Sports of the Soviet Union in basketball.

From 1978 to 1987 - BC's "Builder".5 - one-time medalist of the USSR, 7 - time champion of Ukraine.

Since 1988 coaching positions in different teams.
From 2000 to 2006, the coach of BC "Kiev".
In 2001 - Silver medal European Championship U - 35.


Кураченко Ольга Степанівна

Kurachenko Olga S.


Year of birth -1958.

1979 , graduated from Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture. Received a specialty teacher of physical education and sports , as well as an instructor of medical physical culture.

1982 to 2010 worked as an instructor of medical physical culture in the sanatorium " Koncha Zaspa ."

Since 2010 , teacher NTU " KPI " in a special medical group ( SMG ).

The scope of scientific and practical interest - - study of health and physical development of students with disabilities in state care, the organization of their physical rehabilitation.


Лозенко Наталія Миколаївна

Lozenko Natalia

teacher,trainer are the highest category since 2006.

Graduated from Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in 2004.

specialty - teacher of physical education.
qualified sports - coaches in sports aerobics and fitness.

She held the following positions:
-Athletic trainers and aerobics instructors in the desert, Latin, Thai for classical aerobics in a fitness club "Talisman" NTU "KPI" (1999 2004r.r.).
-Trainer-Instructor Sports Aerobics and Fitness Sports Center of NTU "KPI "(2001 2002r.r..)

The department of sports perfection in "KPI" since 2005.

European Champion Is (1998) and champion of Ukraine (1997 2004r.r.) of sports aerobics, as well as the winner of the international Games of 2001.

During the period 2004 2007r.r. prepared eight athletes of the first category, Candidate Master of Sports - 10 athletes, masters of sports - 3 athletes.

Prepared Junior World Champion 2006 - Vladimir Doroshenko and Bogdan Golub.


Муравский Леонід Володимирови

Murawski Leonid V.


Date of birth: 12/11/1964, has 2 children.

He graduated from Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture in 1989.Specialty - coaches of the modern pentathlonMaster of Sports of the USSR modern pentathlon, master of sports of Ukraine of officers triathlon.

Prior to 2002, he worked as a teacher trainer on fitness of Ukrainian - Irish firm "Orlan ".
From 2002 to 2004 he worked as a lecturer at the Academy of Municipal Management.
From 2005 to 2010 he worked as a laboratory assistant in the "KPI" at the Department of improving athletic role as coach of triathlon.
Since 2010 she is professor at the department of sports development

During his time in the trainer "KPI" prepared 4 Master of Sports of Ukraine Triathlon : Triathlon champion of Ukraine and multiple champion of Poliatlon in Ukraine Maryenkova Anna , Ukraine Championship bronze medalist and winner of the triathlon championships and also the pize winner in championship of Poliatlon and Modern Pentathlon Yaroshenko Marina, silver medalist amongst Juniors 2010 Black Vitali.

Електронний адрес – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Обезюк Тетяна Костянтинівна

Obezyuk Tatiana Konstantynovna.


Date of birth: 1979.

1998 hrs - He graduated the medical college in Kiev № 2 and has received Specialty of a nurse.

2002 h - He graduated from National University of physical education and sports of Ukraine and has received Specialty: teacher of physical education, the specialist of physical rehabilitation .

2003 - graduated from the National University Master of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine, specialty master's degree in physical rehabilitation for specific diseases.

2003-2010 years - worked as an instructor in the clinic of physical therapy of Shevchenkivsky district of Kiev.

From 2010 till now working in NTU "KPI" as a lecturer in sports improvement FBMI.


Сабіров Олександр Сергійович

Sabirov Alexander Sergeyevich.


Date of birth: 03/05/1979, the He is married and has two children.

He graduated from the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" in 2002. Specialty - physical education.
Qualification - Teacher of Physical Education, Master of Sports Rugby.

He held the following positions:
2003-2004 ii - coaches rugby at the Juvenile Sport School in Kremenetsk.;
2005-2009 years - teacher of physical education in Regional Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute in the name of Taras Shevchenko in Kremetsk.
2009-2011 years - physical education National Pedagogical University. in the name of Dragomanov.

The National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI"is from 2011., the department of sports development.

Multiple medalist of Ukraine.


Файнберг Борис Аркадійович

Boris A. Feinberg


The Title: 1)Lecturer, Department of NTU "KPI" from 2009 to the offices "Athletics fitness" and "football".
2) 2013 - women's national team coach NTU "KPI" football.

Sports Title: Candidate for Master of Sport of Athletics in the women's 400 meters champion and winner of the championship of Ukraine Ukraine, Kiev of multiple champion in sprinting.

Duties of the department: deputy head of the department of international activities. Scientific Secretary of the Department.

•Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture (1974 1978r.r.) In the specialty coaches in physical education and sport. •Kiev Business - Institute at NTU "KPI" (2000 2002r.r.)
Majoring Economist - Manager organizations.

Scientific work: 9 published scientific papers



Harachura Olga.


She graduated from Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture in 1995.

Specialty - teacher trainer.

She held the following positions:
-from 2000 to 2012 Aerobics Instructor sports club "Talisman".
-from 2012 to the present, lecturer in sport improvement FBMI.


Яременко Олег Миколайович

Jaremenko Oleg.


Born 08/27/1986 in the city of Kiev.

У 2003 році закінчив Київський спортивний ліцей-інтернат на відділенні баскетбол.

Since 2003 in 2008- studied at NTU "KPI" at the Faculty FFVS and received a degree in: coach-teacher of physical education.

Since 2010 she has served as lecturer in the Faculty of sporting perfection FBMI NTU "KPI". I work in the Department of basketball.

In 2007 CPI national team became the champion basketball league Student Ukraine.


Ставицька    Ксенія Борисівна

Ksenia B. Stavisky.

Senior laboratory assistant SV FBMI.

She was born 04.02.1978 year.

In 2006 she graduated from the Faculty of Sociology, NTU "KPI".

At NTU "KPI" started working in 1998 at the Department for FBMI ST.

Responsibilities: Performed by: printing job and receiving information on the Institute (telephone messages), the ongoing work of the department of sports development.

Main duties:

  • -Paperwork on secondment of teachers and teams of "KPI" on competition;
  • -Preparation of documents for competitive faculty of the Department;
  • -Maintain schedules of teachers at the department of sports perfection;-Drafting and typing memos;
  • -Printing lists of teams "KPI" for sports;
  • -Processing of Personal Data and the tests for students "KPI" for health reasons;
  • -Maintain cost estimates for mass sports, educational and training work with teams of "KPI" and preparing and participating in the championships of Ukraine.



Solokhina Tatiana N/.

Senior laboratory assistant SV FBMI.

Graduated Kabardino-Balkarskiy State University, Russia.

USSR Master of Sports of International Class shooting. Sporting achievements (1968-1980): c three-time champion USSR, repeated champion and winner of the Ukraine , "Dynamo"USSR., "Dynamo" Ukraine .

1980-1985 - coaches in juvenile sport school №2 in Kiev.
1985-1995 - coaches and sports club sports department KPI.
1996-2001 - Coach of the Kiev city council "Dynamo". Also in summer, the Student Associate mountain sports camp "Globe" NTUU "KPI".
2008-2013 - Director of Student mountain sports camp "Globe" NTUU "KPI".
Since November 2013- a senior laboratory assistant athletic improvement FBMI.


Гостева Тамара Олексіївна

Gosteva Tamara

Учбовий майстер

Born October 21, 1946. She is married and have two adult daughters.

She graduated from the State Cultural and Educational School «Shchukin» in 1982 on a specialty "club professional, amateur drama team leader."

Since 1999 he has been working in NTU "KPI" as an educational master in teaching and methodical study of the department of sports perfection FBMI.


Грідасов Микола Миколайович

Gridasov Nikolai.

Senior laboratory assistant, rugby .

Born on 01.05.1988. Тhe Married and has one child.

In 2010 he graduated from MMIF ( FBMІ ) NTU "KPI" , a specialty – «coach and teacher».Since 2011 - senior laboratory assistant NE rugby .

Sporting achievements :
- Candidate Master of Sports rugby, was recognized as the best scorer of the season 2006-2007.
- член збірної команди « Епоха - Політехнік ».
- Champion of Ukraine in the national team "Polytechnic" Rugby- 15 and in the team " Epoch - Polytechnic" Rugby- 4 .

Also, children's team coach "Kiev- Darnica", which in 2013 became the champion of Ukraine.


Дзюба Володимир Миколойович

Dzyuba Volodymyr M.


40 years, two children.

Education: 1991-1997 - NTUU-KPI, the faculty of physical-engineering (formation of black and colored metals);
1998-2000 is the institute of investment management (management of organizations) in Kiev.

From October of 2010 g.- NTUU-KPI, FBMI is a department of sporting perfection, engineer; a co-ordinator of the all Ukrainian basket-ball student association is Student Basket-ball. League of Ukraine, bringing in of new participants, organization of rounds on sub-groups, and also to the finale of competition. Conduction of agreements is with universities. Manager of basket-ball command «KPI»-the participant of tournaments: VBSA, MSBL, League of Monsters.

Personal qualities: High measure of responsibility. Tolerance, firmness to stresses, Ability is independent to find a decision in difficult situations. Russian and Ukrainian languages - fine, personal COMPUTER is a sure user, driving certification. Punctual, sociable, decent, responsible.


Тимошенко Гєоргій Анатолійович

Timoshenko George.

laboratory assistant

Gave birth on June, 1, 1966. Married, have three children.

In 1983 years made off middle school № 142. In a that year entered on trainer's faculty the Central State institute of physical culture (CGOLIFK) in Moscow.

From 1985 to 1987 served urgent service in rows Soviet Army.Made off an institute in 1991 year. International grand master is from a chess from 1994 years.

Champion of Moscow of 1988. A multiple champion of Ukraine is in composition different club commands. A winner of world champion is among cities in composition a command Donetsk (Jakarta, 1997). Winner of many international tournaments, in a that number opened championship of Canada (1990) and opened championship of Sidney (2007).


Усачова Людмила Петрівна

Usacheva Lyudmila

laboratory assistant

Born October 8, 1946. I have two daughters. Has specialized secondary education (studied at the College of Music).

Prior to joining NTU "KPI" worked as a sport employee in different houses of culture. Some time had to work in the Far North.

Since 1991 she has worked in the sports center "KPI" the head of the economy and the commandant.

Since 2001 - assistant at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports "KPI", later FBMI.


Головатюк Лілія Миколаївна

Holovatiuk Lily M.

Manager by a laboratory.

 Made off the Kievan institute of physical culture.

 In NTUU "KPI" works from 1991 year.






Грекова ольга Іванівна

Grekova Olga I.








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