At the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, students have the opportunity to conduct research that is not only related to the educational process but also caters to their scientific interests associated with biomedicine, cell cultures, prosthetic development, biochemistry, laboratory work, among other areas. In addition to acquiring knowledge and pursuing personal interests, student scientific clubs also enable students to develop soft skills such as self-presentation, enhance practical abilities, and create numerous opportunities for professional growth. Participation in scientific circles and clubs helps students learn to collaborate within a team, exchange ideas and experiences with peers, as well as with more experienced mentors and instructors.
At the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, several student research clubs of various scientific orientations operate on a regular basis.
Regenerative and biopharmaceutical engineering

The work of the science club is devoted to the acquisition of new knowledge by conducting scientific research and development and directing it to the creation and implementation of new competitive technologies, types of equipment, materials, etc. to ensure the innovative development of society and the training of specialists in the field of biomedical engineering, in particular, regenerative and biopharmaceutical engineering.
KPI students of any specialty, and even schoolchildren, can join the group!
The Journal Club operates at the science club. The biomedical science journal club was started to give students the opportunity to read, evaluate and discuss peer-reviewed articles, broaden their horizons, learn to report and debate.
Club president: Golembiovska Olena
- +38 (067) 234-22-48
Innovative biosystem technologies

The “Innovative biosystems technologies” group invites students who are interested in designing, modeling and using modern biosystems based on biomolecules of various origins to obtain medical products and products to cooperate.
The group accepts students of various specialties, including freshmen and seniors. Classes are held in face-to-face format at the address of st. Akademika Yangel 16/2.
Club presidents: Tetyana Lutsenko and Valentyna Motronenko
Rehabilitation and rehabilitation engineering

The group is devoted to the development of professional skills of physical therapists, discussion of interesting clinical cases and expansion of the specialists’ horizons regarding the rehabilitation process as a whole. The availability of a wide range of equipment allows you to practically practice or teach various techniques in the field of treatment and rehabilitation of people. The group invites students of various specialties, including freshmen and seniors.
Classes are held in face-to-face format at the address of st. Akademika Yangelya 16/2 and st. Verkhnyoklyuchova, 1/26.
Club presidents: Daryna Igorivna Danko and Lytvynchuk Alina Gennadiivna
- +38 (098) 425-14-51
Clinical engineering

The work of the circle is dedicated to the acquisition of new engineering-technical and medical-biological knowledge, the creation and improvement of means and methods of research of natural and artificial biological objects and systems, equipment, materials and products for medical purposes, technologies and technical systems of diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention human diseases, as well as software and information technologies for solving applied and fundamental problems of biology and medicine. The group actively cooperates with medical institutions.
Club president: Ovcharenko Anna
- +38 (066) 252-82-25