From October 29 to November 3, 2024, in the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, the ХІII Festival of Innovation Projects “Sikorsky Challenge 2024: innovations for peace and security of Ukraine” took place.
The war put us in front of incredible challenges, forced us to realize new realities and develop new strategic tasks for the post-war period of recovery and development of Ukraine.
The paradigm of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine should be based on the rapid and effective implementation of innovative technologies and developments in all areas of the country’s security, defense and economy.
One of the sections of the festival – Biomedical Engineering and Human Health – aimed to offer scientists and businesses innovative solutions for the healthcare sector. Within the framework of this section, many interesting projects (startups) were presented, which are aimed at using artificial intelligence for the needs of diagnosis and therapy of human diseases, engineering and technological solutions for controlling the spread of infectious diseases, as well as the implementation of modern methods of rehabilitation and prosthetics. Faculty employees Alexander Galkin, Olena Golembiovska, Igor Khudetskyi took part in the work of the forum, who joined the discussion during the presentation of projects and their evaluation.